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At WeeklyCourier.com, we believe in the power of informed citizens. Our dedicated team of journalists works tirelessly to bring you in-depth analysis, expert opinions, and comprehensive coverage of the news that impacts your life. We strive to uphold the highest standards of journalism, ensuring that our reporting is fair, balanced, and unbiased.

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Meet the Team/Authors:

Jeff Cunha: Founder
When not writing articles he spends his free time on his bicycle and with his wife and three golden retrievers. Interests and hobbies include: Gardening, Cardio of all kinds and food. Lots of food.

Melissa Miller: Senior Editor
Beyond the world of manuscripts, Melissa finds joy in the sunny embrace of Boca Raton, where she enjoys precious moments with her family. Melissa’s ability to seamlessly blend professional excellence with personal fulfillment makes her a standout figure in the dynamic realm of publishing, where her passion for words is mirrored by a love for life’s simple pleasures.

Nicole Castro: Senior Content Manager
Nicole’s innovative spirit, combined with her strategic mindset, has positioned her as a respected leader in the content marketing sphere. With a future-focused approach and a commitment to excellence, Nicole Castro is shaping the narrative of brands and leaving an indelible mark on the ever-evolving world of digital content.

Cynthia Talbot: Senior Political Editor
Cynthia Talbot is a journalist who specializes in political content. She has written and edited numerous articles on current affairs, elections, policies, and international relations. She is known for her insightful analysis, sharp commentary, and unbiased reporting. Cynthia has a bachelor’s degree in journalism and a master’s degree in political science. She enjoys reading, hiking, and traveling in her spare time.

Manuel Silva: Senior Variety Editor/ Freelance
Manuel Silva started his career as a freelance writer and blogger, covering various tournaments and leagues in the e-sports scene. He joined our team in 2021 as a staff writer, and quickly rose to the position editor in 2023. Manuel is based in Lisbon, Portugal, where he enjoys watching and playing games, reading books, and spending time with his family and friends.

William Gentry: Finance and Economy Editor/Author
William (Bill) is an author and editor for the economy finance section. He has been writing for since 2020, covering issues such as trade, inflation, debt, and cryptocurrency. He has a master’s degree in economics and a bachelor’s degree in journalism. He lives in New York City with his wife and two children.

Richard Clark: Senior Software Engineer/ Science and Technology Editor
When not fixing our coding issues he is most likely fixing someone else’s. Fluent in nearly every programming language invented including an unhealthy relationship with ones not used anymore.